Collaborative Appreciation

Today Michaela  and I did collaborative docs for Cybersmart. We played tic tac toe. I won 1/5 and it was very competitive then we had to write a story writng on word at a time taking turns. We wrote down “Once upon a  time there was  a mysterious looking  Michaela who lived in a forest.  She would eat grass. She would also poop popcorn.” I had a lot of fun.

The Great New Zealand Road Trip Board Game

This week we having being completing the Great NZ Road Trip.  We read journals and then complete tasks to show our understanding of the text.


I made a board game and I also learnt lots of different places in Auckland. I think its important because it’s helping me learn how to be creative. I reckon writing down the different names down in Auckland was hard. The one thing I found the most challenging was remembering how to spell all of the different places in Auckland. 


My board game was based off a School Journal I had read. The story was based in Auckland.



Next time I think I should make some more rules.

What do you think I need to work on?                                               

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